Restoration of Family and Antique Heirlooms
Our exclusive process uses the safest, most effective methods for cleaning, restoring, and preserving all heirloom fabrics, including family gowns, linens, quilts, or doll clothes.
Whether your treasured item is stained, yellowed from aging, or damaged from smoke or flood, we can return it to its near original color.
Because of our special gentle solutions and processes, we can also restore yellowed and stained christening, communion and baptism gowns. Also needlepoint, tapestries, doilies, table runners, lace and crochets, fine linens and doll clothes.
As a member of Wedding Gown Specialists®, we are licensed to use the safest, most effective methods ever developed for preservation and restoration of all heirloom fabrics such as family gowns, linens, quilts and doll clothes.
Hand Processing
We hand clean each item individually and take every precaution to protect delicate components of your item during the cleaning process.
Free Evaluation
We offer you a free consultation for evaluating the condition of your family heirloom.

Anti-Sugar Stain Treatment
Spills containing sugar, salt, and clear beverages often dry clear and cannot be seen i.e. champagne, ginger ale, sprite. These latent stains do not dissolve during ordinary dry cleaning and turn brown over time. Our unique anti-sugar stain treatment insures these stains are removed. Also acid stains from perspiration are removed in this process, which prevents weakening of the fabric.